Support our urban wildlife

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Personal Info

To make an online bank donation to "Urban Wildlife Trust" please see our BNZ Non-Profit Org bank account details below.

  • Account Name: Urban Wildlife Trust
  • Account Number : 02- 0772-0084267-000

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged.

Donation Total: $25.00

About Urban Wildlife Trust

Urban Wildlife Trust is a not for profit organisation connecting people with urban wildlife through citizen science, technology & social media. Our aim is to help restore, sustain and enhance the mauri of urban nature, and ensure native wildlife is an integral part of people’s daily life.

Our mission is to deliver projects, innovation and advice to support the restoration and celebration of indigenous wildlife in towns and cities.

Nature is central to creating liveable cities and cities play an important role in supporting nature.

We are proud to be part of a community sharing the kaupapa of the significance of indigenous urban nature, and kaitiakitanga of native wildlife.

100% of all donations go towards our Urban Wildlife Projects.